Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Square peg…round hole

square peg…round hole
I don’t fit
bend the piece
make it fit…for awhile
bend the piece
until it breaks
damn…it broke
I am broken
Emotions torment
tears fall
bewail the silence
my thoughts
scattered across pages
acquiring a measure
of immortality
remembered…like ink floating
forever on an atonal manuscript
emotion is
a picture worth
a thousand words
emotion is
a word worth
a thousand pictures
Which has more value?
azure is a pretty word
it colors emotions so well
I am writing pictures
and painting words
I don’t want
my ink to fade
or my paint to crack
I don’t want
my words…my pictures
to grow dim
obscured by time
I want to fit in
square peg…round hole
I fear I will never fit in
In a blink…I see
myself grappling with the hem of time
as it hurries by-stops to wait…for none
How do you capture still moments
that move so quickly?
life is time
life is beautiful…living beautiful time
not to be captured-only to be lived
I wish to fit in…into a beautiful life
enshrouded by beautiful time
© 2010 L.Warren

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